Wernicke Commands

Origins of Self Sabotage?

Robbie O’Dwyer

9/12/20244 min read

Wernicke Commands

A Wernicke Command is a command stored in the Wernicke area of the Left temporal lobe of the brain. Research has shown that when this area of the brain is stimulated electronically, it causes one to hear 'voices' or 'commands' which tend to be authoritarian in nature. The person being stimulated will usually identify the voice of someone they fear, admire or even revere.

These can include parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors, as well as entities with an agenda of control. Have you have ever been told to 'grow up', 'shut up', 'eat up', 'forget that' or 'give up'? Have you ever been told 'you’re mad', 'you’re bad', 'you’re stupid' or 'you’ll never make it'? When people do any work or therapy to get rid of negative beliefs, they work on removing beliefs that begin with 'I', eg: 'I’m not good enough' or 'I’m too fat'. But the commands are actually entered in the brain as if said by another person, eg.

'You're not good enough' or 'You're too fat.' Wernicke's commands may reconstruct beliefs we have cleared some time later which can be months or years. We have gathered these commands throughout all of our lifetimes, and usually have anywhere between one and five thousand of these beliefs, with most people having around two thousand.

For a more detailed discussion on Wernicke Beliefs and the Wernicke Area of the brain, please visit the following link: (The original site is now gone - this is the link to see it on archive.org

or screenshots here. )

How to Remove Wernicke Commands The first step in removing Wernicke commands is to test to see if you or your clients/patients have any Wernicke commands. Do this by asking the question, “’I have Wernicke commands in my Left temporal lobe” Then use the sway test or whichever type of kinesiological muscle test you are comfortable using to determine the answer. There are also implants and programs inserted into us, which stop us from removing or changing Wernicke commands. They are often brought forward from past lives and/or passed down through our DNA from at least 7 generations.. By removing these programs, we can take this healing to an even deeper level. State the following and muscle test: 'I have implants and or programs that are controlling and protecting all types of Wernicke commands from being removed or changed.'

If they exist, use the following process to remove them. Step out of your mind and drop down into the Heart space.

“It is my intention and I command that all implants and programs that are controlling all types of Wernicke commands from being removed or changed, will be pulled, sent to Creators Light and cancelled with grace and ease, in the highest and best way for the highest and best good of all creation”

Thank you . It is Done. It is Done. It is Done."

Now visualize all the implants and programs being pulled and going to Creators Light to be cancelled. You may see implants and programs leaving any part of the body. Watch them go to the Light.Keep witnessing the process until complete. "Thank You . It is done. It is done. It is done . My Heart and Soul are filled with gratitude." Feel the Gratitude and send it as strongly as you can to Creator. Muscle test that the process is complete and the programs are cleared.

Hidden Wernicke commands are commands which protect the Wernicke command from being removed or changed. An example of a hidden Wernicke command would be something like this: “If you remove the Wernicke command “ If you become a healer you will die “ you will have a heart attack and die ”. The first step in removing Hidden Wernicke commands is to test to see if you or your clients/patients have any Wernicke commands. Do this by asking the question, “’I have Hidden Wernicke commands in my Left temporal lobe” Then use the sway test or whichever type of kinesiological muscle test you are comfortable using to determine the answer. Once it is determined that hidden Wernicke commands are present, you will first want to remove the blocks preventing the Wernicke commands from being removed. These are the Hidden Wernicke commands.

#1 ~ Process for removing Hidden Wernicke commands: Step out of your Mind and go into the Heart

It is my intention and I command that all Hidden Wernicke commands protecting the Wernicke commands held in (insert name)'s Left temporal lobe will be pulled completely, sent to Creator's Light and cancelled , with grace and ease, in the highest and best way for the highest and best good of all creation.

Thank you. It is Done. It is Done. It is Done.

Now visualize all the commands being pulled from the Left Temporal Lobe of the client/you and going to Creator's light and being cancelled. Be a neutral witness. Watch until the process finishes completely.

Thank You. It is done. It is done. It is done. My Heart and Soul are filled with gratitude.

Feel the Gratitude and send it as strongly as you can to Creator.

Now you are ready to remove the Wernicke Commands:

# 2 ~ Step out of your Mind and go into the Heart.

It is my intention and I command that all Wernicke commands held in (insert name)'s temporal lobe will be pulled from the Left temporal Lobe, completely, sent to Creators Light and cancelled with grace and ease, in the highest and best way for the highest and best good of all creation.

Now visualize all the commands being pulled from the Left Temporal Lobe of the client/you and going to Creators light and being cancelled. Be a neutral witness. Watch until the process finishes.

Thank You. It is done It is done It is done. My Heart and Soul are filled with gratitude.

Feel the Gratitude and send it as strongly as you can to Creator.

This is a very powerful way of healing and gets rid of a lot of destructive hidden thought forms that interfere with our personal growth and healing. Clearing them will prevent us /clients from recreating illnesses and trauma in our/their lives. I would suggest you consider doing this at the end of any healing session. It will make a tremendous difference to the outcome. There are many healers who know how to remove the Wernicke commands but do not know of the deeper protective layers that have to be removed and dealt with.

This triple layered method is unique to this healer and healing modality.

Robbie O’Dwyer